We survived!

Hello Townie Friends & Fans!  It’s been a while since we’ve written, and with the spring and summer market season right around the corner, it seems like a good time to reach out. 

Winter was fairly quiet for us.  Last year, at the start of the pandemic, we were super busy making deliveries as folks hunkered down keeping safe.  This winter, as people have found ways to feel safer going out to the grocery store, our delivery business was much slower.  But, that’s okay.  We really needed a chance to rest and recover from what had been a busy and successful market season.  We spent a lot of time at home enjoying downtime together.  It was truly a gift. 

Now it’s time to start thinking about and planning for the 2021 farmers market season!  We can hardly wait to get started making fresh pints with flavors of all sorts.  We’re thinking about new flavors and designs, like adding vegan sparkles, jimmies, and other fun edibles into our kid favorite sorbets.  We’re remembering and laughing with joy in anticipation of hearing our young customers ask for their Unicorn sorbets.  We’ve been busy submitting vendor application to markets, getting our Board of Health permits, and waiting with anticipation as we learn whether we’ve been accepted at markets we’ve applied to.  Our plan, at least on paper, will have us at markets on Sundays, Mondays, every other Tuesday, Wednesdays, every other Friday, and Saturdays, so you’ll have all sorts of opportunities and locations to get your Townie on.  As we get our approvals, we will post events on our website and on our social media.  We’re excited for a crazy, busy, and fun farmers market season.

Are you a Townie?


Robin Flint